The Romero Cyber Security Series

Taking a deep dive into cyber insurance; the crime, the risks and how to stay protected

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Cyber security and cyber insurance is one of the most overlooked areas when safeguarding and protecting a business. This is because it is relatively new, and is constantly evolving. Cyber crime is a 21st century threat and is, unfortunately, here to stay.

That’s why we’ve put together a series of articles on the dangers of cyber crime and cyber attacks, and why it’s imperative that businesses arrange effective cyber insurance.

Please take some time today to review our information on cyber security, and also see our whitepaper on how to fully prepare your business:

Do you have effective Cyber insurance for your business?

Research suggests the cost of a cyber attack in 2021 was £2.9 million per incident. The cost of recovery and the ransom payment could stretch the overall damages into the tens of millions. Cyber Insurance is crucial to a business’s welfare.

Romero Insurance Brokers will ensure you have an expert handler who will ensure you have everything you need to be cyber secure. While our insurance will help avoid a financial fiasco, you should always consider risk management too. We offer sound advice, risk assessment checklists, claims reports, up-to-date insurance information and full free consultation for all our clients. For more information, or to speak to our risk management team, please get in touch.

Cyber Insurance with Romero Insurance Brokers

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