Romero Video Series: Building Blocks

Commercial Insurance is Changing...

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Why Is It Important To Use An Exceptional Broker?

Commercial Insurance is changing. Pressures, tremors and changes in the market are causing policies to weaken and are leaving businesses vulnerable. Businesses need policies with strong foundations that are able to remain standing tall.

Therefore, it’s now more important than ever to be protected by the right broker. See our video below to understand what kind of challenges businesses are facing and how Romero Insurance Brokers can provide you with a solid foundation.

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How commercial insurance is changing and what businesses can do to protect against it:

Living within a Hard Market

The insurance market has hardened and the capacity for cover is reducing. COVID-19 consequences, rising claims costs and poor returns on investments have meant insurers are likely to provide weaker policies. This could mean polices with more gaps, vulnerabilities and a higher likelihood of leaving your business susceptible to risks.

Many brokers are also choosing to work remotely and reduce the amount of visitations. This means they will not understand your business’s risks, therefore leaving you with unsuitable cover that doesn’t account for changing risks.

You need to ensure your cover adequately protects against these risks, but what can businesses do?

Choosing the right broker

The right broker is capable, dedicated and will manage your risks. Full and comprehensive cover from the right broker doesn’t cut corners or leave you with vulnerabilities in your policy.

At Romero Insurance Brokers, we go above and beyond to treat our customers exceptionally. We work with you to create business continuity plans, regularly reviewing risk management procedures and claims defensibility studies. We work to ensure underwriters your specific risks, helping to get the right cover for the most competitive price.

Seeing the improvements

Romero Insurance Broker’s confidential review of your insurance programme will ensure there are no gaps in your cover. We have a targeted approach, only using A-rated insurers, meaning that we deliver improved terms and premiums.

We ensure every block is in place to keep your premium under control. This solid foundation provides the peace of mind that your policy will hold-fast no matter what pressures you may face.

Standing tall through the pressure

When disaster strikes, and be sure it will, you need to ensure you are protected. Policies managed by Romero Insurance Brokers stand tall, they do not buckle or collapse under pressure.

When a big claim is made, some brokers may fail or disappoint; Romero does not. It’s our due-diligence and dedication which guarantees clients are protected and in the best possible hands. It’s also why we have a 97% customer retention rate at Romero Insurance Brokers.

An Award-Winning Independent Broker

We understand what it means to be an exceptional broker.

We believe in a strong broker-client relationship, favouring a personal face-to-face service. We also have one of the largest in-house claims and loss-adjusting teams.

As a truly independent broker, we are not swayed or delayed by third parties when dealing with your cover.

Romero stands as the most decorated independent insurance broker, having won best independent broker three times.

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