A coffee with… Administration Assistant Jo Roberts

In our latest "coffee with" blog we chat to our Administration Assistant Jo Roberts about jargon-free insurance and the value of personal service.

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We’re sitting down with a biccy and a brew to find out why Jo Roberts loves it here at Romero.

Do you enjoy working at Romero?

I certainly do! Over the 5 years I have been here my role has continuously changed and evolved. It keeps the position fresh and interesting.

What’s been your favourite thing about being here?

The camaraderie most definitely. There is such a diverse range of characters working here. There’s a possible giggle around every corner!

What have you found most challenging?

Exams! School is that long ago it’s lost in a fog!

Learning and retaining (retaining being the key word)… let’s just say it’s not as easy as it used to be. However, in saying that, I do only have one module left to sit an exam for, having passed the other two required (I know! Go me!) This will finally see me qualified.

If you had to sum up your role in one sentence, what would it be?

An ever-changing role requiring adaptation, excellent organisational skills and a good sense of humour.

What has surprised you most about working here?

How quickly things can change but how quickly people can adapt. Take, for example, the COVID-19 pandemic. It took no time at all for staff to be organised with equipment to work from home, showing great communication skills between departments and managers. It also showed the adaptability of those working from kitchen tables, dressing tables or even the garden shed! We also had a marvellous skeleton crew, and I am indeed one of those, who have remained on site throughout, reducing loss of contact between staff and customers.

What would you like to change about insurance?

The insurance jargon. I feel it can be incredibly difficult for the everyday ‘Joe’ like myself to fully understand. Although the language has simplified some over the years, it can still be difficult to negotiate.

Where is Romero in 5 years’ time?

I would like to think that Romero’s will still be doing really well, continuing to bring the personal touch. I think most people would agree that it is reassuring to know that should a question or niggle need answering you’ll normally always speak to the same person who knows you and your account history.

What drives you to succeed?

Personally, I like to know that succeeding was by my own hand. The weighing up and grabbing of opportunities that arise from time to time. Sometimes these fail, which is a lesson learned and another grey hair. But, more often than not, something that makes me smile is accomplished which just occasionally means a slap-up dinner has been earned!

Sum yourself up in 5 words.

Sunny, positive, smiley, hardworking and reliable.

What’s your perfect Sunday?

Ooh, now you’re talking! Breakfast in bed, nattering over a brew then up and out for a good walk in the Dales with my partner and a picnic. In the evening, more food followed by a relaxing snuggle on the sofa coupled with a movie and a chilled beverage. Unless it’s winter, in which case a Baileys hot chocolate with the whole works would be in order.

If you were a biscuit, what would you be and why?

A Cadbury’s chocolate melt. It has hard, if a little crumbly, sweet outer layer, yet hidden in the centre is a soft and squidgy loveliness which to top it off is also an excellent accompaniment to a brew and natter!

What’s your pet hate?

Someone who’s discourteous or a litter lout! We all have pockets or a bag. Granted, it’s not where you would like a used poo bag to go, but really people there’s no need to litter!

If you were stranded on a desert island and could take one book, one luxury and one song, what would they be?

I think I’d have to take a colouring book. Although I love reading, it does tend to send me to sleep so lots of colouring would be ideal for me. I guess that would mean the felt tips would have to be a luxury item. As for a song, wow, there are so many! Let’s go with Phil Collins In The Air Tonight. That drum solo, on full belt, c’mon!

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