Broker Innovation Awards 2019

We're thrilled to have been shortlisted for Broker OTY and Claims Team OTY at the 2019 Broker Innovation Awards.

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We're excited to be shortlisted

It’s been a busy award season for us here. Our hard work is paying off, and being recognised not only by our clients, but by some of the most influential figures in the industry is something we don’t take for granted.

So far this year we’ve been shortlisted at all the major industry award programmes, and as award season rolls around, we’re excited to see how many gongs we can bring home!

The latest shortlists we’ve been recognised for at at the Broker Innovation Awards. And we’re thrilled that the two categories we’ve been shortlisted for are some of the most hotly contested, and exciting to be a part of.

Broker of the Year

Being in the running for Broker of the Year is an honour we couldn’t be happier with. There is some fantastic competition, but we’re confident that our independent approach to delivering innovative insurance solutions for our clients will help us shine through.

We’ve long believed that by building a team of passionate, skilled people around us, we’ll naturally deliver the best service for our clients. It’s why we’ve stayed independent, to let us keep our philosophy close to our heart. And to give us the flexibility to always work in the best way for the individuals and businesses we work with.

Insurance Brokers

Claims Team of the Year

We’re especially proud to be recognised in this category. We’ve long defined ourselves by the service our claims team offer. Because you only truly see the value of your insurance, when the time comes to make a claim.

So many brokers act like ‘post-boxes’. Just taking claim information and passing it onto insurers without adding any value. We will never do this.

We’ve got the knowledge and experience to help our clients fight their claims to make sure that wherever possible, they get the best result. We understand every part of our clients cover and their businesses. And what’s more, every client gets their own dedicated claims handler, so you know you’ve got someone you can trust in your corner.

It’s this passion that we think has lead us to this exciting nomination, and we can’t wait to find out the result.

Fingers Crossed

The Broker Innovation Awards take place on the 4th September, and we're looking forward to being there to hopefully walk up on stage and bring home a few shiny new trophies for the cabinet.

So keep your fingers crossed, and your eye out for the results!

Think you could be better protected?

Let our award winning team undertake a confidential review and claims analysis so you can see how Romero can be the best insurance broker for you and your business.

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